Makeup Remover

After a long day working at the office, then shopping or stopping at the club before you get home. You still have one more thing to do prior to bedtime. Clean Up! Time to use that same old Makeup Remover that contain harmful chemicals or hidden preservatives. Then you use moisturizer or fancy cleansers that can irritate and inflame your skin. Women report developing facial dermatitis from using removers that have preservatives. These preservatives have been linked to lung toxicity, neurotoxicity and can even be toxic to the epithelial cells of eyes!

Introducing the one and only Makeup Remover you’ll ever need and want.

  • The NanoTowels Makeup Remover: a simple yet revolutionary piece of fabric.
  • That can wipe away all your make up with ONLY water.
  • Tough enough to tackle cosmetics such as foundation, concealer, powder, blush, lipstick, or even sunscreen.
  • Leaving your face feeling clean, fresh and healthy.

Our NanoTowels Makeup Remover are made with a patented fabric technology called Nanolon Fibers. These Nanolon Fibers are hundreds of times finer than human hair. Which act like tiny fingers reaching deep into your pores and pulling out the oil and dirt residues accumulated in them. Our makeup remover cloth will leave your face feeling super soft and fresh. Making it an essential piece towards your daily makeup routine.

Likewise they don’t contain any harmful chemicals or hidden preservatives. They are safe and gentle on all skin types. No more putting chemical removers on your skin!

makeup removerOur NanoTowels works best with warm water and is super easy to clean. Just throw it in the washing machine with your normal colors!

Because our NanoTowels are hypoallergenic, reusable and durable. Cost efficient and effective – 100% satisfaction guarantee!

Finally, No other makeup remover can compare to the revolutionary NanoTowels Makeup Remover. It’s changing the way women remove their makeup and the makeup industry. No other products needed to remove your makeup.

Claim Your NanoTowels Makeup Remover NOW!