Family History

Memorygrabber is a Family History products to help to preserve a lifetime of memories with this fun-to-fill-out, downloadable, fill-in-the-blank autobiographical workbook! Take time with  an aging parent or grandparent to finally open up. Preserve all the cherished family stories and memories for all the ages. Memorygrabber is a great conversation starter… especially with parents and grandparents that are sometimes reluctant to talk. Sometimes we just have to take the initiative to start the conversation with our aging family members.

Family history

Memorygrabber uses memory-stimulating questions, activities and exercises to help you recall events, people, places and more! Of course, it will also help you organize and preserve the memories. Your story and life experiences are more valuable than anything else that you will leave your kids and grand kids.

The powerful memory triggers will help you preserve hundreds of things that your kids and grand kids will want to know about your life someday… but won’t think to ask until it’s too late! For You, Memorygrabber Will Be a Wonderful Trip Down Memory Lane. For Your Kids, it Will Be a Life Changer!

Maybe you have an old Family History record that rather run down now you can update. Because adding old family will give more identity to your family to pass on to future generations. Everyone will have fun putting this together and being able to share with each family member. Or take a copy to the next family reunion and see what conversations and wonderful memories you can stir up! When all of the stories and information contained in within your life story document are complete and you are satisfied. You will be sending copies of it to whomever you wish and thus insure that someone will always have a copy of it.

Family history

Other Family History products available: